For the past week, Kevin and I have spent time every day following the path of Hurricane Gustav. We are genuinely concerned about its arrival, because we have family in both Miami and Louisiana. Saturday we spent quite awhile in front of the TV, trying to see when and where this thing would make landfall. Because depending on the amount of damage, my in-laws might end up evacuating by way of our home. And it's always a treat to have family in town.
So today after church, we were eating lunch and watching Fox News to hear the latest updates, when it hit me. I had Deja Vu. Our wedding anniversary is this Tuesday, September 2nd. It was this time just three years ago that we spent the week leading up to our wedding following yet another infamous hurricane, Katrina, in anticipation of how it would affect our family and our wedding. With Katrina, Kevin's parents, sister, her husband and our nieces ended up spending their time as evacuees in our old apartment while we were on our honeymoon.
5 years ago