Now that we're only a few weeks out, I thought I'd open up a baby pool. So feel free to submit your guesses now. I'm looking for Date and Time, and Weight. I have my own guesses, but I'm keeping them to myself :) I can't promise anything to the winner...but wouldn't your pride be enough?
Update: My due date is May 19th. But the doctor told me today that he won't let me go over my due date. So the absolute latest he will be born is the 19th. The reason we will induce at 40 weeks is because Kevin is graduating from MOS school on June 11th, and we want Baby Chase to be at least a few weeks old for the trip ;)
Okay, guess away!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Baby Pool
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 9:04 PM 3 comments
37 Weeks...It's On Like Donkey Kong!
Okay, today's the big day...I'm 37 weeks...and officially full term! Baby Chase, feel free to join us at any time!!! My official check-up is tomorrow, but I thought I'd share this week's developments. They're probably more interesting (or at least humorous) than hearing the same medical facts again anyhow.I'm thinking about making a sandwich board to wear around town. Here's what it would say:
- I'm 37 weeks.
- It's a boy.
- His name is Chase Michael.
- Yes, I can't wait, I'm sleeping "while I can," and I realize I'm as big as a house.
Some other things I'd like to share:
- He has graciously shifted positions and no longer sits on the nerve in my back which was making it difficult to walk. Woo hoo!
- Of course, that shifting also included dropping. So I am officially limited to maternity jeans from now on. I can't complain though...made it to 37 weeks in juniors jeans. (size 11, of course)
- My feet are enormous. I've decided not to fight it. Although they're hideously ugly, at least they don't hurt.
- I really miss my wedding bands. I tried to put them on the other day, and I couldn't do it if my life depended on it. Not even the band, which is a size bigger than my engagement ring.
- I'd share more, but then I'd have to start getting I'll spare you all.
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
Puppy Love
I LOVE my dogs. Until Baby Chase makes his arrival, they are my only babies, and I am a fierce mama bear! Mess with them, you mess with me! This means you, ugly neighbor dog who keeps showing up in my yard. I don't have the energy to chase you, but I have the aim to shoot you. Think about that next time you try to bite my Meah.
Moving on. In case you haven't picked up on it by now, I have a very strong attachment to my babies. I love them, they love me. I'm trying to get as much time as I can in with them before their world is completely turned upside down. There have already been some adjustments though, starting with the fact that I no longer have a lap :)
Last night, I realized something that absolutely broke my heart. When Kevin first left for boot camp, I would ask them all the time about "Daddy." They always knew what I was talking about, and I could tell how much they missed him. But last night when I told them I was talking to Daddy, they didn't recognize the name at all. Talk about breaking my heart. So Kevin, I can't wait for you to come home and bond with our babies again. Old and new :) This is for you. (I'll send you some new ones tomorrow!)
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
36 Week Check-Up
Tuesday I went for my weekly doctor's visit. It went very well. My blood pressure was normal (a relief, as last week it was elevated). Chase's heartbeat is strong, and he's definitely head down and ready to go. Woo hoo!
I haven't accomplished a whole lot this week. I've been trying to get everything I'll need for my hospital bag...or at least get a good list together so I'm not running around like a chicken with my head cut off when the time comes.
I did get this treat in the mail courtesy of our dear friends Ashley and her adoptive family the Cory's :) I said I was going to keep this kind of stuff in boxes for the time being as there's NO floor space left...but I just couldn't resist. So here's Chase's newest toy. Thanks, guys...I LOVE it!
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
1. extraordinarily great in size...
2. extraordinary in excellence
3. ...exciting fear...
Synonyms - See huge
The above definitions were taken from Could there be any better word to describe my life right now? Extraordinarily great in size...check (that applies to both belly and feet today). Extraordinary in excellence...check (could I possibily be at a more exciting point in life?). Exciting fear...check (I am definitely experiencing a healthy dose of fear with regards to my immediate future).
Today is April 19th. One month and counting from my due date! I have felt all along that Chase was going to come early though. And my Doctor said that he will probably come sometime in the week before the 19th. Secretly, I'm hoping for Mother's Day...oops, guess it's not a secret anymore :)
After my complete meltdown over the car seat on Saturday, we returned the old one and picked out a new one that is super-adorable! I am proud to say that it is in my car and ready to go. Now we're just waiting on Baby Chase! Here are some pictures of my accomplishments this weekend.
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 9:38 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Epic Fail
After my post on Friday, I was so energized! My dad actually spent his Friday evening helping me tear through all of those giant boxes, and we put together the changing table, glider and the travel system. They all look great, and I was thrilled with all three purchases (pictures to come soon).
Saturday I was so excited with the progress that I decided to postpone my previous plans...a HSM movie marathon in my new glider (don't worry, that will happen I am not ashamed). Instead, I decided to continue on my journey of preparing for Baby Chase.
Failure #1:
Yesterday I called in a refill of Nexium to my local Publix Pharmacy. If you've been following my pregnancy, you know that Nexium is not something I go a day has been a Godsend! So when I arrived at the Pharmacy and they told me they were out of the pills until Monday, I was unhappy to say the least. I asked the girl behind the counter why they did not call me to inform me of this. No response. So I then asked what was I supposed to do...because I was not going one day without my lifesaver! She went and spoke to the Pharmacist and he emerged a few minutes later with the last 6 Nexium caplets they had in stock. There now, was that so hard? But at this point I'm aggravated.
Failure #2:
In anticipation of finally installing the car seat, went and had my car washed and then vacuumed it out thoroughly. Then went home only to discover that, once installed, it becomes nearly impossible to fit a passenger in the car! Talk about a disappointment. So I've since taken two trips to Babies R Us, and spent hours online researching new travel systems. I'm thinking I may have to do some experimenting with installation with/without base, etc. But tomorrow we are hitting all the local stores to pick out a new system. Grrr! All this stress has got me so aggravated that my feet swelled up to the size of watermelons!
Currently it is 5:15am Sunday morning. I have hardly slept all night, and now I've been up for at least an hour, and had the pleasure of introducing last night's dinner to the toilet :( I'm supposed to teach Sunday School in four hours, so I'm going to try and go back to sleep now. Thanks for letting me vent...even if nobody reads this far :)
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 5:05 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Time Keeps Tickin'
Tick, tick, tickin'...time keeps tickin' away! Woo hoo! Can I tell you how amazing it feels every time I open up my blog, look at the ticker, and see "about 33 days to go"??? I LOVE it!
I am definitely ready for this little booger bear to make his appearance. So today I began anxiously nesting to prepare for his arrival (hopefully sooner rather than later). I began by doing an inventory of everything we already have, then listing the things we still need. I've got a legal pad FILLED with lists of this nature. I know it's a little anal retentive, but I'm doing my best to stay organized working with what little space I currently have.
This afternoon was FUN. We picked up all of Chase's nursery furniture! And thanks to everyone's generous gifts, I was able to use gift cards to pay for everything except the glider (because it was at WalMart and my gift cards are to Target)! But what an amazing blessing! I'm not setting up the crib yet, but I went ahead and got it because I had a one time opportunity to get 10% off things on my registry (and baby furniture never goes on sale!). So off to storage it goes. Now to put everything together...definitely wish Kevin were here for that ;)
I not only inventoried "stuff," but tonight I did a clothing inventory. We held off on buying clothing for awhile (good advice from my wonderful husband), and now that the shower is over we know what is okay to buy, and what we have plenty of. Now to wash it and find a place for it all...
Here's a glimpse into the madness that is my world right now. That's the glider, changer, and note the corner piled high with all kinds of goodies. There's still TONS of stuff in the playroom that I haven't gotten to yet. I'd be overwhelmed if I wasn't so darn excited!
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
It's The Little Things
My back hurts. Bad. Most of the time I can cope with it, but today it was the worst it has been yet. I went to Babies R Us, and then ran over to Wal-Mart for a quick trip. By the time I reached Wal-Mart I was needing a cart just to lean on. By the end of the short trip, I was literally limping. I'm sure I looked completely pathetic. But every time I stepped with my left foot, awful pain would just shoot up my back. So I was moving terribly slow.
Walking back to my car, I realized that I was still pushing the blasted cart, which meant an extra sixty or so painful steps to drop it off and get back to my car. I had tears in my eyes. Thankfully, someone saw how pathetic I looked, and stopped me halfway to the cart return and took the cart off my hands. To that sweet boy, whoever you are, you have no idea how much your simple act of kindness blessed me today. Thank you!
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 8:01 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens
Before you break out into song, I assume you already realize that I am blogging tonight about a few of my favorite things. I think I've whined enough recently, so it's time to talk about something positive. So here are a few things that I simply can't live without...This is the best flat iron I have ever owned. While it is not the fancy expensive Chi that everyone swears by, I am definitely crazy about this one. It is the perfect temperature, it has automatic shutoff, I can straighten all of my hair in 10 minutes flat, and most important, it's really cute. I went through 4 different flat irons this winter before I settled on this one, and now we just have to see if it can stand up to the abuse I put flat irons through (I can usually only keep one for 1 - 2 years before it commits suicide).
Schick Intuition razors. Razors with the shaving cream already built in? Yes, please. I am by no means a quick showerer (that is definitely not a word). So anything I can do to save some time and hot water gets a thumbs up in my book. These are my absolute favorite, and worth the expense. Although at Christmas time they usually have "gift" versions at WalMart for cheaper, and I buy out their stock which lasts me for months. Worth every penny.
Here's a new favorite. Cover Girl Lash Blast Length Mascara. I'm a big fan of never leaving the house without make-up. If I'm forced to do so, I at least have on a good coat of mascara. When it comes to mascara, I'm a big fan of length, not volume. I do my best to avoid tarantula lashes. This product boasts an "elasta-nylon" formula that doesn't flake off. And it doesn't! Combine that with a perfect little brush that I don't think would make tarantula eyes if you tried, and you have a great product on your hands. PS - Speaking of eyes, I can't live without my NYC Pearlized Black liquid eyeliner. At $1.72 a tube, I am smitten!
Last but not least, we have Herbal Essences Bleach Blonde. I have been doing my own color for several years now. This started for two reasons: A. I couldn't stomach paying $100+ to get my hair colored anymore, and B. The $100+ hurts even more when no one does your color exactly the way you want it. So I figured it was worth a try. And after a few product changes, and one night of leopard spots (thanks Ashley. lol.), I really like the outcome. I realize that it's a little bold, and definitely not everyone's style. But I like it. And for $5.97 a box, even my husband likes it ;)
So here's my question...what are some things YOU can't live without???
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 6:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
So Long, Dignity
It was nice knowing you. I appreciated my privacy while it lasted. Unfortunately it seems, somewhere during this pregnancy, we have parted ways. I miss you.
Six months ago, I really took my privacy for granted. I could do and say whatever I wanted, and no matter what people thought, they pretty much kept it to themselves. Now it seems everything I do is a matter of public record and therefore open to public scrutiny.
My eating habits haven't changed too much with pregnancy. Sure, there's a little more ice cream involved, but nothing drastic. I'm definitely not "eating for two." Nevertheless, everyone wants to comment on the eating habits of pregnant people (whether it actually applies to me or not).
Being seated at Cracker Barrel tonight, the hostess took me to one table, then stated that I probably wanted more room for my belly, and moved me to another table. (Thank you, by the way. There were fewer people to stare in the other room.)
When I first read the "pregnant" on the test, I was so excited about my little bundle of joy. Little did I know that what I was really in for was nine months with a ravenous parasite who has been executing an extremely well-planned attack on my body. One by one, he has taken over my body part by part, until I hardly recognize the girl in the mirror. The most recent part to fall victim is my back. Every step, turn, sit and stand is painful. I've tried to use a heating pad, but that only works for so long. So I a 90-year-old woman. I am sure that I look like there's a reindeer up my butt. No matter how good your hair looks, or how well you are dressed, when you walk like I do, you can't avoid the stares. Would anyone like to volunteer a pair of crutches so that I can avoid the use of my legs as much as possible? I think that might help.
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
When Good Dreams Go Bad
It's no surprise that pregnancy comes with all kinds of crazy dreams. But last night's was such a doozy that I couldn't resist sharing. Are you ready for this?
I dreamed that one of Dakota's back legs just fell off. There was no accident, no trauma, no blood. In fact, I would not have even noticed had I not seen the missing limb standing (yes, standing up itself) across the room from me. Of course that freaked me out. So I went to find Dakota and she has a gaping black hole where the leg used to be. And another leg has apparently sprouted to take its place, because she is just going about business as usual.
So of course, being the good "mommy" that I am, I called the vet...who was in no hurry to see her. Apparently limbs that fall off like baby teeth aren't top priority to the vets in this area. But this is the most disturbing part. I placed the leg in a to go box (yes, from a restaurant), and while I was on the phone with the vet, Dakota ate through the box and I found her gnawing on her own leg! Gross!
Thank God I woke up at that point, or who knows what would have happened next. So, Psychology majors...analyze that if you dare.
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
This Little Piggy
Let me tell you about these little piggies. Not only did they go to market. They ate the market, went back for seconds and haven't had thoughts about running anywhere in a long, long time. Six more weeks...
Posted by BrittanyWebb at 9:58 PM 0 comments