What a day. Today was my first day back at work since our amazing two and a half week vacation. And it was not easy pulling my butt out of bed at 6:00am. But I did what I had to do. For the most part, everything went as well a could be expected. I was even reasonably alert. Impressive given the lack of sleep over the past few nights. Then around 1:30 it all started to go downhill.
I got an e-mail from our realtor saying that the couple who had put an offer in our house (which we politely declined, seeing how it left me devoid of savings!) wanted to see it again today around 3:30. So I immediately go into panic mode. My first day back at work. The house is a wreck, and I have to find a way to leave early to take care of the mess and the dogs! So the rest of the afternoon was pretty much a waste of me doing nothing and waiting anxiously for the call...which didn't come until 3:45, stating they would be there at 5:00. Okay, I think to myself, this is a little better. My office manager actually left at 4:00 which opened the door for me to beg a certain favorite co-worker and sneak out shortly after. (Don't be surprised if there is no blog tomorrow because she tries to kill me!)
So I race home driving much faster than I should, and arrive right around 4:40, just enough time to do what I needed to do. Except I needed to do a LOT! Shoes shoved in the wrong closets, mail shoved in the silverware drawer, and dishes thrown into the dishwasher...all to be expected. But here's the best part. Just having come from vacation, I have quite a bit of laundry yet to find a home. Well I am happy to report that my laundry has found a home. Safe and snug under my bed! Sorry, mom, there was just no time! As a matter of fact, they arrived a couple minutes early and I had to meet the realtor and the nice couple (which I'm sure is a cardinal sin of real estate). OOPS! They were very gracious though, and more than happy to allow me to gather my barking beast dogs before I got out of there.
To kill some time, went for a short trip to the walking park. Me...full bladder, empty stomach, being dragged around by my wonderful pups. Probably not my best idea. But they seemed to enjoy it. And...BONUS...I found the extra set of keys to the Mustang inside the dog bag!
Let me just tell you, we have been missing a set of keys to each car for at least six months. We had all but given up hope when, maybe two weeks ago, Kevin found the extra Honda key. So when I finally found the missing Mustang keys, I could almost swear I saw the heavens part and the angels begin to sing. I was so excited I got out my camera to document this for Kevin...only to find that we have once again lost a Honda key. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.
5 years ago
I'm so glad you're blogging your events while Kevin is gone. He's going to love reading everything you write. Your creativity with the putting the clothes under the bed was a great idea, and then you even remembered to take a picture of them. Good job! It seems, despite all the emotions you've been going through, that you've been able to revive your sense of humor. That in itself will help the time pass more quickly. Love you. Mom2
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