Thirteen days from today (at the latest) I will be holding my baby boy. There are a million decisions that come along with being a parent...and that's before the baby even arrives! One of the biggest sources of contention in our house long before we even got pregnant was breastfeeding. Kevin has always been 100% for it. I agree that breast milk is best for baby, but my first choice was to pump and bottle feed.
We each had our own reasons to back up our way of thinking. We definitely agreed that it was the best source of food for baby, and obviously the economics are a plus. I guess we really just differed on the actual administering of the food.
I've decided to be the one to compromise...Chase will be a breastfed baby. I think I've made the right choice for me and my baby. I know he'll be getting good nutrition. We'll be saving tons of money. And selfishly, I'm looking forward to everything I've heard about dropping the baby weight (and there's a lot of it) a little faster. I have invested in a small pump and a few bottles so that he's not exclusively dependent on mommy. But, God willing and as long as there are no medical complications, he'll be a breastfed baby.
Can I be honest? Breast feeding has always given me the heebie jeebies! And it still does. Even now, 13 days from D-day, I find the idea absolutely revolting. Yet I've decided to breast feed exclusively. I've done quite a bit of reading, and I'm happy with my choice. Particularly after reading about all the time I could waste pumping milk and then having to bottle feed. I just don't know how I'm going to go through with it. Even reading about it grosses me out. And the diagrams and pictures...gag. So although I've made my decision and I'm happy about it, I'm still a little (ok, a lot) uncomfortable.
So I thought I'd throw this out there for all the mommies who just love to share. Did anyone else feel the same way before having kids? Any advice or suggestions or reassurance? I'd love to hear some thoughts on this one!
5 years ago
Send Becky a message on FB. She breastfeeds and has had great success with it. Of course, she does pump some because she goes to work, so that will be a little different.
I have another friend who exclusively breastfed, so I will send her a linky to your blog and see if she will give you some info.
I just wanted to say that you have made a great decision! It will be the best for you AND your son.
I'll be honest though so you know what to expect: breastfeeding will be EXTREMELY hard for the first 3 weeks or so. Your milk may not come in for the first few days. You may have to go to a lactation consultant to make sure your little one is latching correctly. You will be in pain. Your nipples will hurt so bad. You will probably cry and you'll want to quit.
But, stick with it. Every breastfeeind mom has been there. If you can get through the first few weeks, it will be so worth. Plus, there are so many benefits. In the middle of the night, it's so easy to just get up, get the baby and "plug him up". No bottles, nipples, heating, mixing, etc. involved. So easy. Plus, like you mentioned, it's so economical. I can't imagine how it would have cost to formula feed.
Also, just to let you know, before I had my daughter I was very wierd about breastfeeding. I knew it was something I wanted to do, but I thought it would feel gross and I was shy about anyone seeing my boobs, even the lactation consultant at the hospital. But, after a while, I could care less. I did cover up in public, but after a while, you just lose inhibitions things like breastfeeding. It's just natural.
Good luck! (one of Rory's friends)
I agree with everything Lydia said. It is hard in the beginning, but it is so rewarding when you stick with it.
A few specifics to add to what she said:
Some days it will feel like baby eats ALL the time, but that's a good thing. You are establishing your milk supply, so just feed feed feed and REST. Try to have someone there that can take the baby after you feed him so you don't get overwhelmed. Focus on BFing the first few weeks and don't worry about cleaning the house, entertaining visitors, etc.
Get some "soothies" pads. They are cool gel pads that will help so much!
Breastfeeding was really never on my radar. I just didn't put a lot of thought into it before I got pregnant. Now it is one of the best things I've done, and I'm so glad I stuck with it. You really have to dedicate yourself in the beginning - it helps to have encouraging friends, family and lactation consultants. You can do it - like Lydia said, you will get over the intimidation/shyness/weirdness.
Good luck! :)
I can't really add much to what these ladies have already said...but I think you have made the best decision. I decided a few weeks into BF that it was too much and I would switch to full time pumping. Umm, no. That was a horrible decision (for me) and I went right back to the natural way!
Going back to work was a little hard on my supply, and we do supplement some (for which I felt bad at first, but realized I was doing the best thing for my baby)...however, it has been a wonderful experience both with bonding and the "selfish" reasons you mentioned. Good luck and I wish you and your family the best!
Make an appt with a lactation consultant, or see if you can squeeze into a Breastfeeding class (and bring your husband!)...ours was only 2 hours long and this REALLY helped me prepare for breastfeeding. It's not easy but it GET's easy.
I EBF and Pumped for 14 months... I'll tell you I would have NEVER wanted to just exclusively pump because nursing, in my opinion, is SO MUCH easier.
Good luck to you
Thanks for all of the great advice! You have all been not only informative, but encouraging and reassuring as well...something I know I'll need in the upcoming weeks. Thank you again, and keep it comin'!
Good decision! And it will be difficult, but you will have an amazing bond with your son! Kevin will be jealous that the baby gets all the breast time, but if he will support you, you can totally get through it!
Brittany, sounds like you've got some great friends w/ great advice. For me, breastfeeding just kinda happened feels alot less weird when it's YOUR baby you're thinking about, I think. Just tell yourself, as weird, awkward, or initially painful as it may be, you are giving your son a gift that no one else can give him.
I agree w/ previous posts. For me the pain while feeding lasted for about 3 weeks and then it was gone and never returned. It was excruciating for a couple of mins (even though I/baby was doing it right), but after that, easy. (Second baby way easier and less painful).
Even now, I think pumping is more of pain/hassle/uncomfortable than nursing. Nursing is way get so used to it, it's like you don't even think about it anymore.
Just don't get discouraged. It does get easier and you can do it!
Good luck. Can't wait to see your little guy!
I'd just like to say I feel the same way! I'm doing it because I know it's great for the baby and because it should help with losing the weight and the money part helps too. But it still weirds me out. I'm still hoping I'll have the time/energy to pump so that my husband can help, because I really don't want it to have to be all me when he can be included too. But I'm so glad someone else is honest enough to say what you have.
You have my number. PLEASE use it. Seriously. If there is a breastfeeding issue, I have been through it. Soreness, thrush, low supply, milk not coming in for several days, worried about the baby not getting enough, clogged ducts, overactive let down. I have helpful tips for all of them! I called my midwife, friends, pediatrician several times with each baby. Having support is key. I love all the things the other people commented on in this post. ALL so very true.
When I had my first I never really thought of breastfeeding or bottle feeding a huge decision. I was going to try breastfeeding and if it didn't work I would just switch to bottle. But once I made that connection and realized how empowering it felt as a mommy to be doing that for my baby I was hooked and pressed through. My last baby was nursed until his first birthday - my longest of the 3.
Kudos for your honesty. I know what a determined woman you are. Just be sure to reach out for support no matter how trivial the concern or question may be.
Love you girl!
~Aunt Kelly :)
You have watched me nurse... sorry if it weirded you out! Lol
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