Baby Chase and I were released from the hospital on Friday May 21st. His discharge weight was officially 6lbs, 10oz. That was a great number, considering the average baby loses around 7% of their birth weight in the first week. Well in our first couple of days getting to know each other at home, I learned something very important about my child. He is a PIG. Breastfeeding just wasn't cutting it. He would scream, scream and scream some more, and after exhausting all possible options (wet diaper, sleepy, etc) it was pretty clear that he just needed to eat. So we started having to supplement with some formula. Cue one happy baby. I hated to do it, but if the baby needs food, the baby needs food.We had our first appointment with the Pediatrician on the following Monday, and he had already gained two ounces back! Another positive report from the doctor, and I was feeling pretty good. By this point, we are working well together. We're establishing a pretty good routine, and mommy is getting a reasonable amount of sleep at night. He is eating about 3oz per feeding. I was still having to supplement though, so I called the lactation consultant from the hospital.
Let's just say we did not get off to the best start. Basically she told me that I introduced bottles/formula too soon, and that he's eating too much. So I hung up the phone feeling like a horrible mother, and the waterworks began. After a lengthy conversation with my mom where she reassured me that I was doing well to follow my instincts, and I am just doing what is right for my baby, I was feeling a little better.
My actual appointment with the lactation consultant resulted in a much happier ending. She observed me feeding him, and said that both he and I are doing everything right. Just to remain persistent and patient, and hopefully I'll be able to breastfeed exclusively within a couple of weeks. She also said that some babies do eat as much as three ounces per feeding, so just to follow his cues, because he will tell me when he is hungry as well as when he's full. His weight was also up to 7lbs, 5.1oz. Oink, Oink!
Yesterday he was eating nonstop...and spent a TON of time awake, too. By 2am, mommy was completely exhausted! Apparently he had exhausted himself as well, because I had to wake him up at 7:30 for a feeding. Of course, we promptly went back to bed afterwards : ) So we're pretty sure he was going through his first growth spurt. I gave him a lecture to stop growing until daddy gets home (9 more days!).
My little piggy's next doctor's appointment is in two days. I can't wait to see what he weighs now!
5 years ago
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