Thursday, October 14, 2010

Team Edward

Chase might seriously be a vampire. What's my first clue? He's amazingly handsome! Does he dazzle in the sunlight? Yeah, like I'm exposing that amazing ivory skin to the sunlight. Are werewolves his enemies? Well, he definitely doesn't like it when Dakota howls. But here's what really put the nail on the proverbial coffin. He thirsts for human flesh. Don't believe me?

It started out simple. A thumb here, chomping on a wrist there.

But tonight he showed his true colors. He attacked me with a vengeance. Take a look:

Crazy, right. Note the fingers ripping the hair out of my head. What you can't see are the pool of drool collecting on my shoulder, and the squeals of delight ringing in my ear. See the look of terror in my eyes? You can't make this stuff up.


Marine Combat Training said...

At least he is starting to feed himself.