Sunday, June 7, 2009


For those of you who are curious about where we stand with the house, here is a little update.  This past week we had two potential buyers come out and look at the house.  The first was a single guy (younger than us, we think) whose realtor really liked the home, but it was a little out of his price range.  He came out on Monday, and the realtor called back on Friday to let us know they may want to see it again this weekend.  Good news.  Then on Friday we had a sweet retired couple come who are looking to move here to be closer to their grandkids.  Side note, mom #2, I talked to the wife for quite awhile and although she didn't get to meet Kevin, she mentioned having found his blog, myspace, etc. and was very complimentary of him, his way of expressing his faith, and said she could tell that he was definitely raised in a good Christian home.  So sweet!  So we're still waiting on the right buyer, but things are definitely moving in the right direction.

Kevin has been off camping this weekend.  As far as I can recall, this is the first time I have been alone since we got married almost four years ago.  It's weird.  I called my mom this afternoon out of a desparate need for human interaction.  Sad.  I did, however, have the most productive day ever.  I slept in and relaxed around the house with the dogs before getting ready and heading into Snellville.  I did a little window shopping and bought a small thing or two for myself.  I also headed to a jewelry store and sold a couple of old necklaces that I haven't worn in at least ten years (don't worry, mom they were hideous, and nothing you would've wanted).  So now I have some cash to put towards my new blackberry next month.  Yay!  Then I came home and worked in the yard for a couple hours.  Yes, Kevin you are reading right...I voluntarily trimmed (well, maybe chopped is a better word) the hedges while you were gone.  I also did all the laundry, and washed the sheets and comforter.  And I ironed everything that needed ironing.  While watching "Fireproof."  Note to self...crying while you are trying to iron is not very productive.  Did I mention I also sat down to do my toes and fingernails.  Yes, I'm a little proud of myself.  Now I'm finally going to sit and relax.  Goodnight all!


Johnson said...

You mean you didn't go sleep with the snakes? I totally thought you were on the camping trip with him.

Kevin Webb said...

You da bomb girl! Yard looks awesome!