Sunday, September 19, 2010

Four Months!

Happy fourth mirthday (yes, I stole that from someone else) baby Chase! Mommy loves you more today than she did the day you were born, and I can't wait to see what you become in the coming weeks, months and years!

4 Month Updates:

Feedings have definitely changed in the past month. Bottles have remained the same...six ounces with half a scoop of cereal. But lately he's been showing a crazy interest in food (I'm talking pitches a fit when someone is eating around him, and trying to get to the food!). So since Dr. Flowers told me we could discuss introducing foods between three and four months, we took the liberty of starting him at 3.5 months. So far he's tried bananas, apples, pears, squash and prunes. He LOVES it! Right now he only eats it once or twice a day, about 1/3 to 1/2 of a container in a sitting.
First feeding...bananas!

I'm still squeezing him into 3 month size clothes, although I feel like 6 months are just around the corner. That's probably good, because I've got a few 6 month outfits for summer that I would like to get some use out of. His 4 month photo shoot is a size 6 month outfit. It actually fits pretty well.

Sleep...yeah...see my last post.

Sleeping half rolled over. What a mess.

Overall though, he is just getting more fun and more cute on a daily basis. His little personality is really starting to shine. He's like his parents in some ways, like being groggy/grumpy right when he wakes up. He's finally liking toys, and it's so much fun to watch him chew on whatever toy he can fit in his mouth. He also loves to chew on his fingers. It's gross to mommy, but at least he's not sucking his thumb! *fingers crossed* He's learning to take his pacifier out of his mouth, and getting pretty good at putting it back in. And just today, he started scooting a little bit. Too cute!

First bite of steak (No need to call DFACS, it was a joke)

Grammy and Grandpa came to visit!

Hanging out with Uncle Evan