Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I've never thought of myself as an obsessive compulsive person, a clean freak, or anything even remotely close to it. But having a baby has definitely brought out any obsessive compulsive tendencies I may have. To what am I referring, you ask? Laundry.

I've never liked doing laundry. If you ask my husband, he'd probably tell you that I'm not even any good at it. But there's something about baby laundry that makes me completely nuts. I can't stand the thought of Chase wearing stained clothes. Ever. And we're not just talking clothes. I don't even like when he gets something on his bibs or burp cloths.

I use baby Oxyclean like it's crack for laundry. Every time I wash his clothes, I pull out every onesie, shirt, sleeper, bib and anything else that might have a stain. Then I spray them to death with baby Oxyclean before putting it in the wash. Thank goodness, that stuff is amazing. I go through it like it's going out of style (and if anyone finds out it is, please let me know so I can go buy every bottle I can find).

Now that we've started him on baby foods, I'm going even more crazy. How do I keep all his stuff clean? I did get some great advice from a friend to set aside certain bibs for feeding only, and to turn the feeding bibs backwards so they can just be wiped down after he eats. But it's a huge struggle to not strip him down naked before a feeding, even taking these precautions. I realize I'm admitting to some serious issues here, but how can baby Oxyclean compete with a baby-sized mess?