I've mentioned lately how Chase has been rolling over in his sleep. Well my champion sleeper has turned into a bit of a bedtime nightmare. The past week in particular has been awful. He will sleep for two or three hours, and then start to roll around/over, causing him to wake up. I get him back to sleep, but after that he's up every hour until morning time. Torture. I feel like I have a newborn again. I've tried laying him on his belly, back, side...even in his Boppy. I've done swaddled and unswaddled. Nothing seems to be working. I don't know what to do anymore. Any experienced mommies out there have any tips or tricks for me?
I miss this...
Oh britt I'm so sorry! I totally feel your pain. Charli was doing that same thing because she wanted her paci. I finally made her cry it out in the middle of the night. She only cried about 20 mins. Don't know if that would work for you or not...
Emily, thanks for the advice. Might try it if he acts crazy tonight. It will probably be my only chance, seeing how his crib is right next to my head, and Kevin will NOT allow "crying it out" when he has to get up for work. (He's got drill this weekend). I'll let you know...
Oohh, that's awful...Kruz did that too...and forever! I mean, every.single.hour. all night. It is torture. :( What worked for us (maybe worth a try if he's still doing it?)...is I started playing slow classical music...all night. Yes, it works! I did it for Gabriella too, and still do. Other thing that finally 'did it'...we let him cry for a few mins...not too long, but for a few mins, then give paci. If he stops when given paci, just go a bit longer btwn times giving it to him. If he knows you won't jump up immediately and do it for him, he'll stop. Also, once he learns to put in paci on his own...life changing! Hope he sleeps better soon!
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