Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I'm Pregnant.  Bahahaha that's what you were hoping, I know.  But that's not it.  

For real, though.  After a lot of soul searching, thinking and praying, Kevin and I have realized that Loganville just isn't the place for us anymore.  We've had some great times here, but when it comes down to it, we really feel that there's more out there for us.  Our hearts are really with our families, and there definitely isn't any family here.  Not even one.  And although we're excited about attending 12Stone, I don't see how we're really going to be involved in ministry in a church that's 45 minutes away.  So, all that being said, we're putting our house on the market.  We're not exactly sure where we'll be going.  I'm thinking sunny Florida with my beautiful nieces, but I don't know if I could convince Kevin to live in Miami again.  All we know is that a change is going to come.  

I'm sorry if you feel that this is an impersonal way of letting people know.  I just know that most people we are close to read this blog, and that it was the best way to let people know what was up without repeating the story over and over.  I mean, it's no forwarded e-mail, but it works.  We'll keep you posted on all the details as they unfold.  We love you guys!  

Sunday, March 29, 2009


So I know I posted a couple of times about changing churches, so I wanted to give a little update.  Kevin and I have attended 12Stone several times now, and I think we are ready to take the plunge and call it "home."  Here are some of the reasons why:

  • The Senior Pastor, Kevin Myers, is great.  Not that our decision is based upon a man, because Lord knows, and we certainly do too, that Pastors aren't always all they're cracked up to be.  But I really enjoy his teaching style.  It's very current and relevant.  He makes great points, but in a way that really draws you into what he is saying.
  • 1:00 service rocks my socks off.  I like my sleep, what more can I say.
  • There is some mad thought/organization/planning that goes into what these people do.  Their media stuff is unbelievable, transitions during service are seamless, and from what I've seen so far, the place runs like a well-oiled machine.   
  • This morning, we were greeted by 4 greeters with badges before we even entered the doors of the church! Not to mention the countless others inside.  That comes from a serious volunteer base that really believes in the organization they support!
  • I don't think we've been there a single week where we haven't heard the personal testimony of an individual or couple.  They care about people.  
Now don't worry, I'm still not one to take things for granted or consider one church to be perfect or infallable, but I am pretty pleased with what I've encountered at 12Stone so far, and wanted to keep you posted on our search.  I'll close with one final story.  

For the past few weeks they have given out cards in the bulletins.  If you consider 12Stone your home church, you were to fill out a card, and today a courrier (church member) was going to come to your house and personally deliver a DVD which lays out the purpose of the church.  We signed up but really assumed we lived too far away for someone to come, and thought they might put something in the mail instead.  But as we were pulling into our neighborhood after church and lunch, we ended up driving right behind a sweet couple, who were delivering us our DVD!  I was amazed at the amount of time and energy that had to have gone into organizing that effort.  I don't know how many courriers there were, but they delivered around 3,000 DVD's today!  Cool stuff. 

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Confession of an Obsession...

So I've kept this on the down low for a minute.  But I think it's officially time to come clean.  I figure if I don't you'll read about it on someone else's blog anyhow.  So here goes.  Back around Christmas time we saw a movie at the recommendation of a friend.  You might've heard of it...Twilight.  I really enjoyed it, and a friend at work convinced me to read the book.  And from chapter 1 I was hooked!  I read the entire saga...four books ranging from about 450 pages to 750 pages...in about a week and a half.  They are thoroughly entertaining, and I believe Kevin now looks at me as somewhat of a crack addict...minus the whole dangerous drug thing.I am actually in the process of reading the 4th book for the second time (sorry, Lorena.  I'm halfway done!). Now I realize this is largely a tween obsession, but clearly the saga reaches out to all ages.  If you're not at all familiar, I will tell you that the premise is that a vampire and a human fall in love and all four books deal with the trials and triumphs that their relationship bring about.  Good stuff.  

Well here comes the really sad part.   I knew I wanted to get a copy of the DVD as soon as it came out.  And according to the hype I saw every commercial break on radio and tv, I figured it might sell out pretty quickly.  So I weaseled Kevin into taking me to Wal-Mart at 11:30 to pick up a copy when they came out at midnight.  And let me tell you, we were not alone.  There was a whole section packed full of people waiting for it too.  The store even had cake and balloons!  Here are some pictures of the madness that we experienced while fueling my addiction.

This was a countdown...that was 10 minutes too fast.  What a letdown.

Good Times

Tonight Kevin, Keith Michael and I went bowling.  I love to bowl, so I was really looking forward to this!  Game one was great!  I bowled 116 (I think) and stayed pretty close to Kevin the whole game.  And then came game two.  By then, Kevin had hit his stride.  And bowling just isn't as fun when you're being beat by over 100 points!   So I gave up a little bit.  And then on my last frame I was so tired of losing that I stopped paying attention and bowled before the pins were ready...right into the metal thing!  I was so embarassed!  Here are some pics....

Game one score

Game two

Friday, March 20, 2009

Time for an Update!

I was informed by my wonderful sister (well, Kevin's sister) last night that every day she goes to my blog she just sees poop.  So I thought I could do a little in the way of updating.  I have stuff to say, but my computer habits have been replaced by gym habits lately, leading to less updates.  Of course, if you check out Kelly's blog you would not believe that I have been going to the gym since January, because she has 3 kids and is skinner than I am!  I not bitter or anything, though.  

But seriously I have been trying to be on a regular schedule and be more responsible lately.  So I'm hitting the gym a few nights a week, trying to cook more often (and more healthy) and trying to get to bed a little earlier.  Not so much.  Still working on all of it.  Poor Kevin...I am such a spaz.
I will admit that my TV line-up might have a little to do with my lack of updates.  But there are some shows that I just won't miss.  One Tree Hill, (my favorite!) finally came back after a month or so off the air this week, and I am watching it for the second time as I write this.  And then there's American Idol.  I am loving this season!  There's only one person who I absolutely can't stand (can you guess who?), and I've been thoroughly enjoying the performance shows, which is unusual for me this early in the season.  I won't go down the long list of other shows I watch, but suffice it to say that, aside from my husband, Tivo is my best friend.  

I have more to say but now I have to go bowling.  Peace. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Don't Ask...

There are no words for this.   Except it makes me laugh.  A lot.  And I'm glad it's outside.

And this is how cold it is inside our house.  Poor Meah.  

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

So on Saturday both our mothers were calling us asking/warning about snow on Sunday.  And we thought they were crazy.  It was so warm out, after all.  And then when I woke up on Sunday morning to take the dogs out at 11:00...still pretty warm.  So imagine my surprise when, only an hour later, I looked out the window, and it was snowing...hard!  And it fell and fell and fell...until about 8:00!  It was absolutely beautiful!  There is something about a simple snowfall that holds a little bit of magic.  That is, until you see the trees start to sway under the weight of it all, and you pray that none of them head for your roof.  Thankfully, we only heard one tree fall last night, and it was somewhere behind our house.  We lost power at about 6:15, and after two hours of candlelight and marshmallows, we were bored to tears.  So we crawled in bed around 8:15...and shortly thereafter our power came back on.  But we stayed in bed anyway.  This morning it is still too icy to drive, so I am using my partial snow day to post some pictures.  Enjoy!

Dakota didn't like the snow...so she peed on the sidewalk!