Friday, March 20, 2009

Time for an Update!

I was informed by my wonderful sister (well, Kevin's sister) last night that every day she goes to my blog she just sees poop.  So I thought I could do a little in the way of updating.  I have stuff to say, but my computer habits have been replaced by gym habits lately, leading to less updates.  Of course, if you check out Kelly's blog you would not believe that I have been going to the gym since January, because she has 3 kids and is skinner than I am!  I not bitter or anything, though.  

But seriously I have been trying to be on a regular schedule and be more responsible lately.  So I'm hitting the gym a few nights a week, trying to cook more often (and more healthy) and trying to get to bed a little earlier.  Not so much.  Still working on all of it.  Poor Kevin...I am such a spaz.
I will admit that my TV line-up might have a little to do with my lack of updates.  But there are some shows that I just won't miss.  One Tree Hill, (my favorite!) finally came back after a month or so off the air this week, and I am watching it for the second time as I write this.  And then there's American Idol.  I am loving this season!  There's only one person who I absolutely can't stand (can you guess who?), and I've been thoroughly enjoying the performance shows, which is unusual for me this early in the season.  I won't go down the long list of other shows I watch, but suffice it to say that, aside from my husband, Tivo is my best friend.  

I have more to say but now I have to go bowling.  Peace.