Sunday, March 29, 2009


So I know I posted a couple of times about changing churches, so I wanted to give a little update.  Kevin and I have attended 12Stone several times now, and I think we are ready to take the plunge and call it "home."  Here are some of the reasons why:

  • The Senior Pastor, Kevin Myers, is great.  Not that our decision is based upon a man, because Lord knows, and we certainly do too, that Pastors aren't always all they're cracked up to be.  But I really enjoy his teaching style.  It's very current and relevant.  He makes great points, but in a way that really draws you into what he is saying.
  • 1:00 service rocks my socks off.  I like my sleep, what more can I say.
  • There is some mad thought/organization/planning that goes into what these people do.  Their media stuff is unbelievable, transitions during service are seamless, and from what I've seen so far, the place runs like a well-oiled machine.   
  • This morning, we were greeted by 4 greeters with badges before we even entered the doors of the church! Not to mention the countless others inside.  That comes from a serious volunteer base that really believes in the organization they support!
  • I don't think we've been there a single week where we haven't heard the personal testimony of an individual or couple.  They care about people.  
Now don't worry, I'm still not one to take things for granted or consider one church to be perfect or infallable, but I am pretty pleased with what I've encountered at 12Stone so far, and wanted to keep you posted on our search.  I'll close with one final story.  

For the past few weeks they have given out cards in the bulletins.  If you consider 12Stone your home church, you were to fill out a card, and today a courrier (church member) was going to come to your house and personally deliver a DVD which lays out the purpose of the church.  We signed up but really assumed we lived too far away for someone to come, and thought they might put something in the mail instead.  But as we were pulling into our neighborhood after church and lunch, we ended up driving right behind a sweet couple, who were delivering us our DVD!  I was amazed at the amount of time and energy that had to have gone into organizing that effort.  I don't know how many courriers there were, but they delivered around 3,000 DVD's today!  Cool stuff. 


Anonymous said...

It all sounds very impressive! Hope you guys take the plunge and are able to get involved. -Mom2