Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I'm Pregnant.  Bahahaha that's what you were hoping, I know.  But that's not it.  

For real, though.  After a lot of soul searching, thinking and praying, Kevin and I have realized that Loganville just isn't the place for us anymore.  We've had some great times here, but when it comes down to it, we really feel that there's more out there for us.  Our hearts are really with our families, and there definitely isn't any family here.  Not even one.  And although we're excited about attending 12Stone, I don't see how we're really going to be involved in ministry in a church that's 45 minutes away.  So, all that being said, we're putting our house on the market.  We're not exactly sure where we'll be going.  I'm thinking sunny Florida with my beautiful nieces, but I don't know if I could convince Kevin to live in Miami again.  All we know is that a change is going to come.  

I'm sorry if you feel that this is an impersonal way of letting people know.  I just know that most people we are close to read this blog, and that it was the best way to let people know what was up without repeating the story over and over.  I mean, it's no forwarded e-mail, but it works.  We'll keep you posted on all the details as they unfold.  We love you guys!  


Keith Courtney said...

I really will miss you and Kevin! You have both been really great friends, but I understand that sometimes jobs and lifestyles conflict when you live so far out from where you want to work and go to church.

I am confident that you guys will find what you're looking for; whether its FL, LA, or even back in TN! God will sustain you and if you seek him first, everything will fall in place for you!

I look forward to enjoying the time we have left before you go! Just make sure that you keep a guest room for me wherever that may be!

Anonymous said...

So I am moving back because that is where I want to settle and you guys are leaving. That is crazy I know it will be a while but I miss you guys already. I wish you the best and know it will work out for you. I love you guys and I hope this isnt one of Kevins April Fools jokes.Ash

Unknown said...

Richmond's nice. Do you have family in Richmond? Move here...