Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Madness

So forget about March Madness.  I know it's only April 2nd, but it's definitely April Madness at PCD (Peachtree Children's Dentistry...aka my job)!  

April Fool's was hilarious!  Now I work in an office full of women, and it at times it can be...dramatic to say the least.  So needless to say, some sort of pranks were to be expected.  Well it started bright and early at 7:45.  Every morning we have "huddle," our morning meeting to go over anything important for the day.  My office manager started it off by telling the Doctor that we had been infected with the highly rumored "worm virus."  She handled that in stride, but did announce that no one else better bother her with any pranks today.  Well someone else spoke up and mentioned that she should watch out for another employee.  To which the doctor replied "well she's not even coming in today."  People kind-of shrugged their shoulders and avoided eye contact, and the doctor, made it pretty plain that, were you to call out of work on a prank, you would immediately be sent home, as a replacement had already been called in.  About that time said employee walked in the door...and the rest of us scattered like roaches!  She promptly got sent home...and thus began a very strange day.  

After lunch, the doctor was finally in a better mood and decided to pull some prankage of her own.  So my 15-week-pregnant doctor bought a pregnancy test and used it to attempt to fool my office manager into beleiving that our 43-year-old hygenist with two kids in college was pregnant. Unsuccessful, but funny none the less.  

Next up was the parking lot.  Two more people went outside to saran wrap someone's car.  While doing so, a police cruiser drove by and circled around.  They got a little nervous...until she stopped, laughed and called it in for other cops to come look.  When another cop pulled up, he also laughed and admitted he thought he was getting fooled because who would pull something like that in such a crazy busy parking lot?  The reaction to that prank was probably the best of the day.  The assistant whose car got wrapped, when she saw it, stopped, jumped up and down in the middle of the road, and started screaming like a little girl.  Even from my desk inside the office, it was hilarious!

Last but not least was a lame one...but it backfired which made it pretty funny.  They moved someone's car around the building.  No big deal, but a few people stayed around to watch her reaction.  But the funny part was 3 of us ended up working an hour late, so the ones who stayed were stuck sitting in the parking lot for an hour waiting on her reaction.  Backfire!  

Needless to say, we didn't get a lot of work done, but sometimes you just need one of those days!