Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today was not my best day.  I can think of no shining moments.  Just a blur of busy-ness and frustration.  Work always starts at 7:45 in the morning.  I've been there almost 3 years.  I'm still not used to it.  Especially not when I have to train someone on a working interview who I know we will not hire based on quite a few factors.  She was nice, but she lacked personality, among other things.  Particularly, a regard for the American concept of Personal Space!  No kidding, she sat super-close to me.  And as I was working, she kept picking up the papers I was looking at.  Not helping!  I was constantly away from my desk just to breathe some fresh air and not air that had been recycled through her lungs first.  Seriously, we were that close. 

About halfway through the morning, a mom came up to me and informed me that her 3-year-old had just peed on the floor.   In the lobby.  She wasn't asking for paper towels.  She wasn't letting me know as a courtesy.  She was telling me to clean it up.  First of all, how is your little girl just gonna pee on the floor?  And don't even get me started on the fact that she didn't once offer to lift a finger to help (let alone apologize).  In fact, when my office manager and I went out to clean it up, she conveniently disappeared.  Ridiculous!

I won't complain anymore, I just could not resist sharing those two stories.  Praying for a better tonight and tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy all of your posts, Brittany. As I've said before, you are a really good story teller. I mean, how else am I going to hear about your world since we're so far away from you guys. I am a little concerned, though, about the fact that you're starting to talk more like Kevin when it comes to guns. He has definitely influenced you in that regard. Mom2

Ashalee said...

OMG that is awesome I havent laughed that much in a while.