Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Girl With The Gun...

Tonight after work Kevin called and said that we were going to Michael's Grandparent's house to go target shooting.  Ordinarily, shooting isn't exactly my cup of tea.  But I haven't had the chance to go practice with my newest carry weapon yet, so I took him up on the offer. So I turned off the Miley Cyrus bio on E! and got ready.  I will admit, I put on eyeliner, but in my defense, I resisted the very strong urge to run over my hair with a curling iron.  Hey, I knew there would be some serious photo ops going on.  Here are the spoils.

Kickin' it old school with the Timberlands circa 1997.  Yes...I was late.

"Take a picture of me!" (yes, i still say that, mom!)

No, I'm still not ready

Loading the clip.  check out the killer highlights.

I that a gun in your pocket...

Be very afraid

Mr. and Mrs. Smith....err, Webb

My HOTT husband

Michael was being a sniper

He wanted to crawl through this drain pipe...until he realized he would come out into the water

The spoils


Unknown said...

Hahaha. And in pink.