Saturday, March 21, 2009

Confession of an Obsession...

So I've kept this on the down low for a minute.  But I think it's officially time to come clean.  I figure if I don't you'll read about it on someone else's blog anyhow.  So here goes.  Back around Christmas time we saw a movie at the recommendation of a friend.  You might've heard of it...Twilight.  I really enjoyed it, and a friend at work convinced me to read the book.  And from chapter 1 I was hooked!  I read the entire saga...four books ranging from about 450 pages to 750 about a week and a half.  They are thoroughly entertaining, and I believe Kevin now looks at me as somewhat of a crack addict...minus the whole dangerous drug thing.I am actually in the process of reading the 4th book for the second time (sorry, Lorena.  I'm halfway done!). Now I realize this is largely a tween obsession, but clearly the saga reaches out to all ages.  If you're not at all familiar, I will tell you that the premise is that a vampire and a human fall in love and all four books deal with the trials and triumphs that their relationship bring about.  Good stuff.  

Well here comes the really sad part.   I knew I wanted to get a copy of the DVD as soon as it came out.  And according to the hype I saw every commercial break on radio and tv, I figured it might sell out pretty quickly.  So I weaseled Kevin into taking me to Wal-Mart at 11:30 to pick up a copy when they came out at midnight.  And let me tell you, we were not alone.  There was a whole section packed full of people waiting for it too.  The store even had cake and balloons!  Here are some pictures of the madness that we experienced while fueling my addiction.

This was a countdown...that was 10 minutes too fast.  What a letdown.