Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just for you Kelly

It's funny that you posted a blog about the Fall today.  I came home with intentions to do the same thing.  Because I just got to thinking about how beautiful it is here with the leaves changing and nice, cool, crisp air.  And I couldn't help but daydreaming about how fun it would be if we were all here for Thanksgiving.  Sure, it would be a tight squeeze, but I am sure it would be great fun!  Yummy food, great bonfires, and good family fun.   I just thought with all of the prodding about us going to Miami for Thanksgiving that I should offer my rebuttal.  Come on, think about it.  How can you resist these beautiful leaves...and it's only the beginning of the season!


Anonymous said...

You are so blessed to have such beautiful fall colors. We have one little bush by the Worship Center that has fall colors on it. The leaves on the trees here will eventually turn an ugly brown and just fall off - not like Ohio! Did you say there's a possibility of a bonfire? How 'bout some S'mores too!

Johnson said...

I would love to come but we just can't. So sorry. :( But have fun and eat plenty of food!