Monday, September 1, 2008


Today we went over to John and Joslyn's house for a Labor Day par-tay! It was so great hanging out with friends, and just relaxing. It's been months since the days of weekly bonfires at the Webb home. Budget restraints and general busy-ness have caused us to become slightly less social. But just sitting down with old (and new) friends today reminded me just how much I miss that part of life.

I haven't really spent much quality time with girlfriends since college. Granted, I work in an office with about 15 other women, but while they may be fun, we don't exactly share the same values. So it was great spending quality time with good church friends, even if we were surrounded by men, Mario Kart, babies and dogs. I guess being married, and becoming focused on building a life with my husband has made me forget the importance of good girl friends. Sadly, the one local friend that I have put the most energy into getting to know will be moving away this weekend. So I must admit, although I often play the part of the loner, at times living away from friends and family has left me feeling a little lonely.

So I guess this post is a shout-out of appreciation to old friends for great memories and shoulders when I need them, a thank you and welcome to new friends, and a toast to moving on and embracing the life that God is building for me here in Loganville.

P.S., pics will be up soon, I just have to wait for Kevin to stop working long enough for me to pull some off of his computer.