Saturday, September 20, 2008


So this is the follow-up to the Peeping Tom story. In case you didn't read it, let me give you the short version. There has been a crazy man who the police have determined to be a Peeping Tom, seen in our neighborhood in at least nine instances since May. Kevin and I just found out about it last week. I think we have all become a little more cautious. I am definitely wary of going outside at night when Kevin isn't around. And we leave all the outside lights on all night long. In fact, our cul-de-sac almost looks like a football stadium it is so bright at night now. But other than that, we're not taking it too seriously. We have, however, put together some interesting puzzle pieces of the happenings in our neighborhood over the past few months.

When Kevin and I found this house, it was perfect! Not only was it the perfect size and price range, but it is located in a quiet little neighborhood which is very different from most new communities these days. It is a very wooded area where the houses are several hundred feet apart, with trees in-between. Having grown up in a similar environment, I was pumped to be regaining our privacy. The 11 months spent in our little townhouse were 11 months too long.

Well a few months ago, several of our neighbors began cutting down trees. Some even cleared out their whole yards. For the life of us, Kevin and I could not understand why they would do this. The best part of where we live is the privacy! Then, on Saturday morning, we finally started piecing the puzzle together. Our immediate neighbor, who barely cuts his grass, let alone maintains his landscaping, was cutting down trees in-between our houses! Now we have only had one conversation with this man, but in that one exchange, we learned a couple things. One, he moved into this area to maintain privacy and not be bothered, and two, he works for some branch of local law enforcement. So as we stood there looking out the window, we could not figure out why he would be opening up space between our houses. And then it hit us. He, along with our other tree-killing neighbors, was scared.

Now I understand that we all want to be safe, and to protect our families. But is ruining the peaceful setting of our neighborhood really necessary? Do we really think that cutting down some trees is going to deter a man who doesn't seem scared by previous arrests? Not to mention the fact that everyone around here believes in, and takes advantage of, the right to bear arms. So maybe we should think twice before upsetting the thing which makes our community so unique in a fast-paced life. Kudos to the people who are getting together and forming a neighborhood watch rather than cowering in their homes and cutting down their trees. Maybe you should send a second invite to our neighbors who are hiding out in their closets.


Keith Courtney said...

Ha! You just said your neighbors are "in the closet"... Thats actually something to be scared of. Keep your windows closed and make sure kevin wears a shirt when running.

Anonymous said...

For several months now I've been meaning to buy you and Kelly some pepper spray for your personal protection, but I think I'll go ahead and send you some NOW instead of waiting to give it as a stocking stuffer. Kevin is probably making you take a gun out with you when you take "the girls" out for a break before bedtime.

Alisa said...

Umm freaky! You guys live all secluded...thats scary :( But that stinks that they're cutting down your trees! Thanks for finding my blog, we're so excited!! We leave in a week which is crazy but awesome so it will definately be an amazing experience! I miss You guys! Sounds like you guys are doing good :) Thanks for your comment and your prayers! Def. keep in touch while we're gone...glad you have a blog haha...I don't know many people that do :) haha

Jules said...

Hey you!! I didn't know you were a fellow blogger, yay! I'll look forward to reading your thoughts!