Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So I woke up late this morning. Which means I had to sacrifice washing my hair. So I did my best to fluff it up with hairspray and baby powder, and got my butt to work on time. But you know how it goes when you're having one of "those" thing is just not enough. So while I was sitting in my morning office meeting, right in front of the boss, and with the whole office watching, I spilled coffee all down the front of my shirt! It was priceless...and I felt like a retard. Thank God we keep a huge stockpile of t-shirts in the back! So although I didn't quite match today, and I had flat, yucky hair, at least I gave everyone a good laugh first thing in the morning, and we started the day on a funny note. I wish I had a before and after picture for you, but I obviously wasn't thinking on my feet this morning. Let's hope for a better tomorrow.