Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Moment In My Soggy Shoes

I'd give you a rundown of the day, but it was pretty boring.  But this little bit of info was so good I just couldn't resist.  So yesterday I blogged about cleaning up pee and I believe I left off with "praying for a better tomorrow."  Well anyone looking for a sense of humor from God should just follow me around for a day or two.  Because this morning at around 8:05 I was minding my own business sitting at my desk, when I heard a nice resounding "splash" on the hardwoods in the lobby.  I look up to see a venti cup of Starbucks has now made its home in a 4x4 foot area of the lobby.  

The good news is that the man who spilled it was very apologetic, (not to mention embarassed) and actually helped me clean it up.  And that made all the difference in the world.  I promise you, in the past 3 years, I have only cleaned up one other spill.  So thanks God for sharing some humor with me and helping me take myself a little less seriously.  And thank you for making it least it smelled good this time.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today was not my best day.  I can think of no shining moments.  Just a blur of busy-ness and frustration.  Work always starts at 7:45 in the morning.  I've been there almost 3 years.  I'm still not used to it.  Especially not when I have to train someone on a working interview who I know we will not hire based on quite a few factors.  She was nice, but she lacked personality, among other things.  Particularly, a regard for the American concept of Personal Space!  No kidding, she sat super-close to me.  And as I was working, she kept picking up the papers I was looking at.  Not helping!  I was constantly away from my desk just to breathe some fresh air and not air that had been recycled through her lungs first.  Seriously, we were that close. 

About halfway through the morning, a mom came up to me and informed me that her 3-year-old had just peed on the floor.   In the lobby.  She wasn't asking for paper towels.  She wasn't letting me know as a courtesy.  She was telling me to clean it up.  First of all, how is your little girl just gonna pee on the floor?  And don't even get me started on the fact that she didn't once offer to lift a finger to help (let alone apologize).  In fact, when my office manager and I went out to clean it up, she conveniently disappeared.  Ridiculous!

I won't complain anymore, I just could not resist sharing those two stories.  Praying for a better tonight and tomorrow. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Day In My Shoes...

Welcome to the first installment of what I'm thinking may become a semi-regular blog posting.  All inspired by the Timberlands pic from yesterday.  Basically, here's a random assortment of musings and happenings over the past 24-plus hours.  A day in my shoes... ( cheesy!)

I realized today that although I posted what I believe are some great pics last night, I didn't actually describe the experience too well.  I have been the proud owner of a concealed weapons permit for about a year now.  And I've had a gun for several months.  I'll admit I wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea.  But after shooting the gun, I have no worries.  Although it's smaller, it's actually more comfortable to shoot than my old beretta (the hammer always hit me in the thumb!).  And it doesn't kick as much as you would expect.  But the thing that helps the most is that the trigger is anything but easy to pull.  In fact, all three of us had almost a "false start" the first time we tried to fire.  So I am 100% convinced that there is no way that trigger could be pulled accidentally.  Good stuff. 

Today started off rough.  We were down two people at work, which means I'm pulling double duty.  And I got to work today to find that there were already 3 patients waiting to be seen before our morning office meeting even began at 7:45am!  Not to mention some not-so-friendly parents.  A rough morning was made much better, however, by a surprise visit from Ashley, Chase and Lillie.  Chase broke his arm and wanted to show me his new cast.  So cute!

Usually I hit the gym on the way home from work, but tonight we waited.  And we were in some interesting company.  We seriously watched a guy sit on the stationary bike while eating chicken strips and sucking down a milkshake from Chick-fil-a.  Now I'll admit I have a weakness for that particular fast food chain, but even I'll admit that throwing down a 1,200 calorie meal while "working out" is pretty counter-productive.  No comment on the fact that we drove through Zaxby's on the way home.  

Now I'm getting ready for bed, checking out my MySpace, Facebook and Twitter (possibly a new obsession) one last time.  Hope you enjoyed the first installment.  I love feedback.  Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to read (or if you'll stop reading because I'm really more lame than you thought.  It's ok, I'm cool with it.)  Goodnight!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Girl With The Gun...

Tonight after work Kevin called and said that we were going to Michael's Grandparent's house to go target shooting.  Ordinarily, shooting isn't exactly my cup of tea.  But I haven't had the chance to go practice with my newest carry weapon yet, so I took him up on the offer. So I turned off the Miley Cyrus bio on E! and got ready.  I will admit, I put on eyeliner, but in my defense, I resisted the very strong urge to run over my hair with a curling iron.  Hey, I knew there would be some serious photo ops going on.  Here are the spoils.

Kickin' it old school with the Timberlands circa 1997.  Yes...I was late.

"Take a picture of me!" (yes, i still say that, mom!)

No, I'm still not ready

Loading the clip.  check out the killer highlights.

I that a gun in your pocket...

Be very afraid

Mr. and Mrs. Smith....err, Webb

My HOTT husband

Michael was being a sniper

He wanted to crawl through this drain pipe...until he realized he would come out into the water

The spoils

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's the Simple Things...

So two things today really made me happy.  And one really made me mad, but we'll pretend it didn't happen for now.  

Happy thing #1.  I read in a magazine that the latest nail craze is going without polish and buffing until your nails are super shiny.  Well I'm not one to splurge on manis and pedis (frankly, they kind-of freak me out), so this little tip was right up my alley.  And one 97-cent buffer later, my nail sure are super-shiny, just like they said.  No kidding, it looks like I polished them!  Who has been hiding this simple trick from me for all these years!

Happy thing #2.  I bank at Suntrust.  I always have.  Between our personal accounts and Spunk Marketing, I end up at the bank several times a week.  Up until last month, there were four branches between my home and my office.  One has inconvenient hours, one didn't impress me, one consistently made me angry, and one was just right (yes, just like Goldilocks).  Well last month, my favorite branch, the one inside Wal-Mart, closed!  I was upset.  Everyone there knew me by name, were always so nice, and it really made banking less of a chore.  Well for the past month I have been making due with the leftovers, but it just wasn't the same.  Until today.  I walked into Publix on my lunch break with my nice little deposits, and I looked up to see my favorite teller from the recently closed branch.  I actually gasped and squealed (quite loudly) "MAGGIE!"  I know, I'm so weird, but it truly made my day to see a friendly and familiar face (and I was happy that she kept her job too!).  

Yep, the simple things sometimes make all the difference. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Adventures in Cooking

So here is my latest adventure into the world of healthy (well, healthier) eating.  I went all out this week at the grocery store and bought some fresh fruits and veggies that have never entered the doors of this house before.  Cantaloupe, Honeydew Melon, Watermelon, Plums, Mangos, Squash, Zucchinis, Cucumbers and Sweet Potatoes (no, I have no idea why I capitalized all of my produce).  Now not all of these are new to me, but I'm just not the type to buy this much produce.  It usually ends up being a waste of money.  But tonight I sit here watching The Biggest Loser, eating a freshly cut bowl of canteloupe and telling you about my latest cooking adventure...sweet potato fries.

Yes, ha ha.  Everything I listed is tame and boring but I will remind you that Kevin and I (well mostly me) aren't very adventurous eaters, particularly when it comes to produce.  But sweet potatos were on sale this week, and Kevin has wanted to try out one of our wedding gifts.  Three years ago we received a curly fry maker and have yet to take it out of the box.  Now when it comes to the appliance, I can't say I recommend it.  Let's just say that halfway through I gave up and so half of our fries were curly and half were straight.  I made them first last night.  I tried to go sweet with them, and I wasn't entirely satisfied.  But tonight I went for salty, and they turned out much better.  Pretty good, in fact.  I can say that sweet potatoes may becomes  a staple in the Webb household.  

I've also come to a realization about why I hate to cook so much and why I'm not that good at it.  Spices.  Aside from the very basics (salt, pepper, garlic, sugar, cinnamon) I have no idea what spices taste good together and on what foods.  So I think spices are my next challenge to tackle in the kitchen.  Any advice?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

'Nuff Said

We had this out by our mailbox last night just for Ashley.  sorry, we couldn't resist. 

Oh, To Be A Kid Again...

So the weather has been really crappy here in Georgia lately.  Rain has pretty much been constant and my yard is a swamp!   A yellow swamp, because of all the pollen!  The good news, however, is that we are officially out of a drought...PTL!  But after all this rain, I was also thanking God for a beautiful, sunny, 74 degree Saturday.  And this was definitely not a day to be taken for granted.  So we piled in the car and headed to Zoo Atlanta!

I haven't been since I was in elementary school, so I'll admit I was pretty stoked.  And I fully enjoyed myself, not caring who saw my silly picture poses or the goofy grin on my face as I watched the gorillas (definitely my favorite of the day!) and the bongo.  Here are the pictures courtesy of my awesome photographer (and also Birthday Boy) husband!

I hae to caption this one.  This is a Bongo.  Never heard of it, but how cool looking is it?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Madness

So forget about March Madness.  I know it's only April 2nd, but it's definitely April Madness at PCD (Peachtree Children's Dentistry...aka my job)!  

April Fool's was hilarious!  Now I work in an office full of women, and it at times it can be...dramatic to say the least.  So needless to say, some sort of pranks were to be expected.  Well it started bright and early at 7:45.  Every morning we have "huddle," our morning meeting to go over anything important for the day.  My office manager started it off by telling the Doctor that we had been infected with the highly rumored "worm virus."  She handled that in stride, but did announce that no one else better bother her with any pranks today.  Well someone else spoke up and mentioned that she should watch out for another employee.  To which the doctor replied "well she's not even coming in today."  People kind-of shrugged their shoulders and avoided eye contact, and the doctor, made it pretty plain that, were you to call out of work on a prank, you would immediately be sent home, as a replacement had already been called in.  About that time said employee walked in the door...and the rest of us scattered like roaches!  She promptly got sent home...and thus began a very strange day.  

After lunch, the doctor was finally in a better mood and decided to pull some prankage of her own.  So my 15-week-pregnant doctor bought a pregnancy test and used it to attempt to fool my office manager into beleiving that our 43-year-old hygenist with two kids in college was pregnant. Unsuccessful, but funny none the less.  

Next up was the parking lot.  Two more people went outside to saran wrap someone's car.  While doing so, a police cruiser drove by and circled around.  They got a little nervous...until she stopped, laughed and called it in for other cops to come look.  When another cop pulled up, he also laughed and admitted he thought he was getting fooled because who would pull something like that in such a crazy busy parking lot?  The reaction to that prank was probably the best of the day.  The assistant whose car got wrapped, when she saw it, stopped, jumped up and down in the middle of the road, and started screaming like a little girl.  Even from my desk inside the office, it was hilarious!

Last but not least was a lame one...but it backfired which made it pretty funny.  They moved someone's car around the building.  No big deal, but a few people stayed around to watch her reaction.  But the funny part was 3 of us ended up working an hour late, so the ones who stayed were stuck sitting in the parking lot for an hour waiting on her reaction.  Backfire!  

Needless to say, we didn't get a lot of work done, but sometimes you just need one of those days!