Monday, February 23, 2009

I Tried...

Since Kevin and I got married, I have opened myself up to many foods that I never would've eaten before.  And am eating better than I ever have.  I'm no health food nut, but I am eating a little better.  I'm also trying new things.  Some I like, some I don't.  For example: Salmon (thumbs up), apple pie (thumbs down).  Tonight I tried blueberries for the first time.  I'm going to have to give blueberries a big thumbs down.  Every one that I ate tasted different, and they were full of seeds...which are now stuck in my teeth.  Great picture, right?  So I guess at least I can say I tried them.  


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of the fact that you are at least TRYING new things. The blueberries we eat don't have any seeds! (I just had some this evening for a snack.) I was so hoping you would like them because they are one of the healthiest foods you can eat, and full of endless nutrients. Maybe you could disguise them in a bowl of cereal or even a homemade pancake! Mom2

Johnson said...

I agree with my mom... to me blueberries are disgusting unless they are IN something. We LOVE blueberry pancakes, muffins, cereal, etc...