Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's Official...

Christmas is over.  Now I realize that for some of you, Christmas has been over for about 6 weeks or so.  But here at the Webb house, we consider Christmas to be more of a state of mind...or a state of decoration.  See, I'm  not so much one for decorating.  Don't get me wrong, I love a beautifully decorated house just as much as the next girl.  But I haven't quite perfected the art of decorating well on a budget.  There have been some good attempts, and there have been some failed attempts.  So for the most part, although we've lived in our house for almost three years, it is largely undecorated...unless you count furniture and dog toys.  

So when we put the Christmas decorations up mid-November, we grew pretty attached.  I'll admit, I was pretty proud.  So we left them up because they were pretty and they made the house seem more cozy.  It's almost become tradition around here to leave the decorations up until you have a really good reason to take them down.  Two years ago, we took them down for our SuperBowl party.  This year, we even outlasted that one.  But I found out last night that we are having some company in town tomorrow.  Company that I've only met once for a matter of minutes.  So for the sake of not embarassing myself or my husband, I thougt it was time to retire the decorations to the attic.  So two hours, one Rubbermaid tub and five garbage bags later, I am finally finished.  Until November.  


Keith Courtney said...

Finally, @#*$!

BrittanyWebb said...

My mother-in-law will read this comment and be disappointed in you.