Thursday, February 5, 2009

Not Even a Fever...

I'm sick!  And it's not even the good kind of sick.  You know, the kind where you get to call in to work and spend the day in bed.  Even if you feel terrible, at least you are getting some sleep.  No, I am just annoyingly sick.  The kind where my throat is tickling like it has feathers in it, I'm coughing constantly, I have a runny nose, and I don't feel like doing anything, particularly eating.  But even with all that, the most annoying part is the hiccups!  Everytime I get this head/chest sickness stuff, it is accompanied by a semi-permanent case of the hiccups!  I can be sitting at my desk working on my computer, and the minute a parent walks up...hiccup!  Talk about a conversation starter.  So I try to keep my mouth closed to hide them, but that makes my chest ache.  And when I open my mouth, they are loud enough to draw attention from across the lobby.  Enough is enough!  I've tried holding my breath, water, I don't know how else to make them stop!  


Anonymous said...

I know you must be annoyed by what you're experiencing, but it still sounds so cute. I've never heard of hiccops being a side effect of a cold, and your description made me smile yet I know it's not funny. You always write interesting stories. Take care!

Crystal and David said...

In my experience, this has always worked, though I think you might need a video to show you what I am describing: drink from a cup upside down. Take a cup (must be a cup or class with a regular opening; can't use a water bottle). Standing up, place your chin inside the cup so that the lip of the cup furthest from your body is between your lips. Proceed to sloooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwly bend forward, carefully working not to spill the water. Continue to bend forward until you can take a drink. This has worked every single time I have done it as well as when I have told others how to do it...the kindergartners at my school think that I am magical:) I hope it works...let me know.

Crystal and David said...

Sorry...the English teacher in the parenthesis in the second sentence, it should be 'glass' instead of 'class.' I also forgot to add that you will need to fill it with and inch or two of water. Also, when you bend forward, you are actually folding forward, and you should allow the top of your head to go toward the ground as well so you are in position to drink the water.

BrittanyWebb said...

That's hilarious! I am trying this the next time those rotten hiccups start up. Even if it doesn't work, I can imagine I'll crack myself up so much that I'll forget all about them!