Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Things...

Tried a new church this morning.  Actually, this afternoon.  It's called 12Stone and it's in Lawrenceville about 10 minutes before you get to the Mall of Georgia (good news for me).  We'd heard a lot of things about it and thought it was time to try it out.  Well if it was up to Kevin, this would be our new home church.  Which is funny, because I thought the drive would really deter him.  But overall I'd say it was a pretty positive experience.  I wore khakis, flip flops, a t-shirt and jean jacket, and felt like I fit right in.  The music was good (although it's always a little off-putting when you don't know the songs).  Loved the message and the style of the pastor.  We jumped in right in the middle of a series called Wii Marriage...There's no Mii in team.  Very current, and very good.  It even kept Kevin's attention the entire time...which is very difficult to do.  The media aspects were very cool I must admit.  The sanctuary was very large and built to model a sports arena.  The entrances to the sanctuary were actually labeled Tunnel A, B, C, etc.  

Here are my personal highlights:
comfortable atmosphere (not stuffy)
great teaching
lots of young people
1:00 service (I thought I would hate this, but it was pretty nice)

And low points:
drive time
size (it's a very large church, and I worry about getting lost in the crowd)

Definitely worth going back.